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Education ombudsman

The University has appointed an Education Ombudsman for students.

All students who have a complaint about behaviour that violates the university regulations and the rights and duties of students of the Politecnico may contact the Ombudsman.


The Ombudsman:

  • acts on non-anonymous complaints
  • carries out an adequate investigation into the matter and tries to solve it; if no settlement is possible, the Ombudsman will inform one of the following, depending on the nature of the problem:
    • the Head of the Programme Board
    • the Dean of the School
    • the Chairman of the Joint Committee
    • the Rector
    • the student representatives in the Academic Senate
  • protects the student against any reprisals
  • informs the complainant and the student representatives of the outcome of the investigation


Students may contact the Ombudsman:

  • by going to the Office of the Education Ombudsman directly
  • by mail (only signed letters will be accepted)
  • by e-mail (only signed e-mails will be accepted)
  • over the telephone


Prof. Maria Vittoria Diamanti is the currently appointed Ombudsman.
Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta" 
Phone: +39.02.2399.3137